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Prescription Errors

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    Washington DC Product Liability Lawyer

    If a bad medication has left you suffering, contact our Washington, DC product liability lawyer for assistance with your case. When companies fail to properly test or inform physicians and consumers about prescription dangers, many individuals may face complications or wrongful death due to their bad medications. Sometimes, in the rush to bring a drug to market, companies fail to properly test the medication. After devoting millions of dollars in research, the additional time required to perform time-consuming product testing can be a setback. Usually, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines require a significant amount of testing before a medication can be released, but sometimes pharmaceutical manufacturers find ways to minimize testing requirements. Even worse, sometimes significant side effects are misreported or underreported, causing physicians and consumers to believe that drugs are safe when, in fact, they be may associated with dangerous side effects.

    More medications are on the market than ever before, so if you have faced a dangerous side effect that was not noted on your prescription information, our prescription error product liability lawyer Washington DC region may be able to help.  Consumers should always note the documentation that comes with their medication when it is picked up at the pharmacy. If any side effects seem particularly worrisome, speak with your pharmacist or physician. In many cases, however, the slim possibility of side effects is worth the benefits of the medication. But when side effects are far greater than reported, or when pharmaceutical manufacturers ignore reports of harm to patients, our product liability lawyer Washington DC region may be able to take action.

    It is important to remember that you are likely not alone. If you have experienced a particularly dangerous or upsetting side effect from a medication, chances are that others have as well. A Washington DC product liability lawyer can research your case and determine if others have been affected in the same way. This can be helpful as it reinforces the fact that your dangerous side effect was not an isolated incident but rather an ongoing occurrence in a number of patients.

    Contact Our Product Liability Lawyers in DC

    As a consumer, you trust pharmaceutical manufacturers, your physician, and your pharmacist to inform you of any dangerous side effects that your medication may cause. If, however, you have suffered from a frightening side effect that was not noted on any product literature, or that has been life-altering, call or contact a product liability lawyer Washington, DC today.

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    * Cohen & Cohen does not maintain a full-time office in Maryland or Virginia, but we do meet clients there upon request.



